This is going to be an interactive section. Pls I need everyone to think about the things they heard about sex. I would answer if it is true or false.
So Human Sexuality is an integral part of our existence, it is a vital aspect of humanity and it is an important determinant of health status.
So, How Do We Define Sexual Health?
Sexual Health is a State of physical, mental and social wellbeing in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion discrimination and violence
Sexual Health in Nigeria is not encouraged and discussed and this is very bad.
Sexual health is the ability to embrace and enjoy our sexuality throughout our lives. It is an important part of our physical and emotional health.
Being Sexually Healthy Means:
– Understanding That sexuality is a natural part of life and involves more than just sexual behaviors
-Recognising and respecting sexual rights that we all share
-Having access to sexual health information, education and care
-Making effort to prevent unintended pregnancies and STDS (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and seek care and treatment when needed.
-Being able to experience sexual pleasures, satisfaction and intimacy when desired
-Being able to communicate about sexual health with others including sexual partners and Healthcare providers
So, How Do We Define Sexual Health?
Sexual Health is a State of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion discrimination and violence
Sexual Health in Nigeria is not encouraged and discussed and this is very bad.
Sexual health is the ability to embrace and enjoy our sexuality throughout our lives. It is an important part of our physical and emotional health.
So SCD can affect The Reproductive system in some warriors, but some others might not have any issues in their reproductive systems and just have normal development.
-In Both Sexes, There’s Delayed Puberty, in terms of development of the penis, the vagina, having Hair on the armpits, Breast Development and also Delay in starting Periods/Menstruation in Girls
There can be Sexual Hormones disrurbances.
So what are sexual hormones?
These are chemicals in your body that control our Sexual reproductive system, they are; Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone and others
– Some Females can also have problems getting pregnant.
-Males can have Priapism, Erection Problems and Reduced Fertility.
– Females can also have Pain crises before and during their period. (This thing can be very annoying and irritating sha)
So I would Like to Talk about
Priapism is a sexual health problem in Males
is simply sickle cell crisis localised to the penis.
It can be very traumatic and painful to the warrior. And it is very common in Male Warriors.
Priapism occurs first during Puberty and Can continue till 30-50yrs.
So what happens in Priapism is that
Sickled Red Cells, cause disruption to the normal blood flow within the penis and block the vessels. This causes blood to get trapped and keep the penis in an erectile state.
This starves the tissues in the Penis of Oxygen and thereby causes a lot of Pain
So Alot of people think it is associated with Normal Sexual activity. But it is usually not.
It is not associated with Normal Sexual Function or Desire.
So there are Two common Types of Priapism that Occur in Male Warriors:
1. Stuttering type: this is the most common type in warriors. It is usually transient and keeps reoccuring. It gets better by itself and comes back within a few hours. And it typically occurs at night
2. Acute Type: this is the sustained and painful erection, lasting for more than 3-4hrs.
Most Priapisms occur at Night and Early In the Morning. This is associated with the Body’s Normal Early Morning Erections.
What are the Triggers of Priapism?
Remember I said Priapism is crisis localised to the penis.
So it is triggered by the same things that cause Crisis like; Dehydration,
Low Oxygen Levels
Cold and Hot Environments
Full Bladder —> Early morning Erections are associated with a full bladder.
Some Drugs
Applying Cold or Ice water worsens it
How Do We Manage Priapism?
-Drink lots of Water
-Use Painkillers
-Use Heat Packs and Apply Warm Water
– Do some exercise like squats, jogging, Running up and down the stairs. These things can resolve a Priapism Attach
-Avoid taking alcohol, canabis, tobacco and viagra
If it doesn’t Go within 2-3hrs please Go To The Emergency Department of The Hospital.
The truth is if you wait longer, it can cause scarring to parts of the tissue in the penis and cause Erectile Problems
And Yes I forgot to add;
-Empty your bladder the night before to avoid early morning erections.
So the Concluding Part of this Section before we go into out Interactive Session 😁😁💃🏽💃🏽
What are the Paths to Sexual Well-being?
– Education
It is important to discuss sexual health with friends, mentors and parents. Parents pls have discussions with your children about what Sex is Do Not Brush theTopic Off.
– Learn about the Risks it Carries Such as Pregnancies, STIs and Sexual Abuse
There are ways to protect your sexual health and care for yourself; such as;
– Abstinence
-Use of Barrier Contraceptives like Condoms
-Use of Other Forms of Contraceptives/Birth Control.
Talk to your doctor about it and read about it too. All PHCs in Lagos offer Free Contraceptives/Birth Control
It is very important that you have a Doctor that you speak to about your sexual Health. It is best to be honest with Question and Concerns. (YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGED)
IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO Be Direct and Clear With Your Partner. Talk about your Expectations During Sex and Set Boundaries.
So What Are The Questions To Ask My Doctor?
-What are the risks of having sex?
-If I decide to have Sex, Do I need Birth Control?
-How Can I practice Safe Sex?
-Are there any Vaccines I should Use Before Sex?
-How Do I know If I’m in Poor Sexual Health?
If one is having issues with sex, i.e lasting for just 30 secs then
The person would have to see a Urologist (these are doctors that deal with the Male Reproductive system)
So I would like to debunk this thought about “Toilet Infection”
So there is nothing like Toilet Infection
It’s a fallacy. You can’t get any infection in your private part from sitting on the toilet seat.
You can only get an infection in your vagina or penis through Sexual Intercourse. That is why it is called Sexually Transmitted disease.
So the next time, you have pain urinating or somewhere is scratching you, or you see a funny rash down there.
Think about the last unprotected sex you had. It is an STI
And see a Doctor to get it treated. Do not treat it on your own. If it’s not properly treated it can cause complications
Menstrual cycle takes about 28days +/- 7days
So it is averagely between 21-35days in different women.
Once you can count it it is usually very constant in an individual.
So the first Day of Your Menstruation is The First Day of your Menstrual Cycle.
14days after That, you are very likely to Ovulate, which means you release a beautiful egg, that waits for a sperm to fertilize it and become a baby.
So if the sperm doesn’t come, the egg is destroyed in 24hrs.
So If your Menstrual Cycle is 28days, the day after Day 28, you see your period again.
So for Example.
If the first day I saw my period was 1st of November. And I have a 28day Menstrual Cycle. The Next Time I would see my period is 29th of November.
On the 14th of November, I would likely release an egg
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