Effurun market awareness program was a success, thanks to ASCF crew,we did it and had fun educating people on ‘genotype ignorance’.
During the exercise we had different people show interest *
We encountered a set of young men say in their mid to late 30s who argued blindly that ‘sicklers’ are imbeciles and that imbecility was the cause of their recurrent illnesses and these men refuse to even change their perception about it, till we gave instances with the warriors that came with us. *
A young lady in particular owned up about church going against her wedding plans because she shares same AS genotype with her spouse, but they were not explained to in details the as we did and that its difficult starting all over so they (intending couple) will follow through without the Church,We were able to sit her down and tell her 101 reasons why she should start all over even though it is not easy but in the end will be worth it.
We do hope she is able to make good decisions in the long run *
We had another person say his genotype is ‘OLpositive’ and barely falls ill..it sounded funny but I tell you there are many more who think they are olpositive. *
Fact remains that we all need to put in more efforts and talk to people about it specially the grassroot level. *
We had a good time at Effurun market and we hope to revisit them sometime in future.
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