AJIRIOGHENE OROMENA OGBOI (NEE UZIEWE) is a 35-year-old sickle cell patient and suffers from necrosis in her hips, leaving her bedridden and necessitating URGENT hip replacement surgery. She needs N3.8 million for the surgery.
Since May 2019 when the condition developed, this mother of an eight-year-old boy has been in excruciating pains and has sought help in various health facilities across Nigeria. These medical odysseys have drained her family’s finances and she urgently needs funds for her hip replacement surgery.

The doctors have recommended two options of either performing the surgery in Lagos, Nigeria or in India, either of which attracts a cost of about N3.8 million (Please see the attached pictures for ease of reference).

This is to appeal to every kind hearted individual, group and organization out there to please show kindness to Ajirioghene Oromena Ogboi by donating as generously as you can to enable her raise the required funds and undergo the surgery as soon as possible. You may also encourage family, friends and people in your circle to donate as well.
Donations can be paid to the following account: GT Bank
Account Name: Ajirioghene Oromena Uziewe
Account Number – 0037035485.
As you help a sister in need to return to health, may you never lack support in your own areas and moments of need.
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