February 27 was the beginning of ASCF’s awareness education for 2019 and we were warmly received by the school (Edjeba College Edjeba). On introduction with the principal, we asked for a specific class to be educated on genotype importance and she said no,please this is a very vital topic I will like everyone to participate and we said oh wow ma, that’s a good thing because most schools don’t like all the classes to be informed.. __
When it was time to speak, our founder did introduction and boom the whole school was quiet with apt attention to listen and I educated them on the importance of knowing their genotype and a bit of our story as Sickle cell warriors and why we should not be ill treated or discriminated against.. __
After our founder’s speech we were given an applauding ovation by the students and staffs including the principal, more than half of the staffs came hugging and praying and some said ‘oh I used to have a sister but she is late now’; another said my neighbour has two kids, ….for us all it became an emotional moment for everyone…
We were in awe of their reactions and eagerness to learn
What baffled me was that some teachers asked questions like types of genotype and if SS is a type of genotype also…even the school counselor came to learn more so she can teach her students further on the topic…. This just goes further to prove a point that most people are still ignorant of it or have wrong or little information about these things.
We still have a lot to do on awareness and education as advocates for the disorder.
The surprising part is that some teachers still didnt know the difference and they came to speak with the team wanting to know further thaan just the basics so they could teach the students interested after our leave.
ASCF team took time out to explain to the interested teachers including the counselor of the school what it was and the importance why we should all be sickle educated and make right decisions regarding genotype compatibility.
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